St. Paul’s provides many opportunities for parishioners to share their time and talents to benefit others in our church family and beyond. Each of these ministries offers a practical means to explore spiritual growth. Training will be provided when necessary, but no previous experience is required. If you are interested in learning more about any of the ministries outlined below, we encourage you to contact the parish office.
The Altar Guild prepares all things necessary for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist and all other Sacraments of the church. The altar guild serves as guardians and caretakers of the church’s vessels, linens, and artifacts.
St. Paul’s Choir works with the ministerial leadership to select the hymns and other musical pieces ranging from Taizé to familiar hymns and praise songs for each worship service. Music is provided by accomplished pianist, Jerry Gowen, and Cathy McKay on the organ.
St. Paul’s is known for its special events. The Decorating Team is charged with decorating the parish hall and sanctuary of the church both seasonally and for special events.
Every Baptized Person is Called to Ministry. Education for Ministry (EfM) invites participants into small, mentored groups that provide the framework for understanding life and shaping actions as Christian faith is deepened.
Our purpose is to unite the women of the diocese in allegiance to our Lord, Jesus Christ, and in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, through a program of worship, study, and service which will deepen and strengthen our spiritual lives and lead us into Christian service in our parish, our community, our diocese, our nation, and the world.
Our ministry at St. Paul’s is flourishing: Well Wishers, Meals for the Bereaved, St. Paul’s Stitchers, Praying and Caring Chain, Decorating Committee, and we offer support for the EYC. We meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 11:00 a.m. Please come and join us in the Parish Hall.
Greeters welcome those who enter the church for worship during the 10:30 a.m. service on Sundays. They also pass out bulletins and help visitors. Ushers help guide the logistics of the worship service by collecting the offering plate, directing parishioners to the Eucharist, and tidying the church after the service.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers are licensed to assist the priest at the Altar, administrate the cup during the Eucharist, and to take the blessed Sacrament to members of the church who are ill or infirm and unable to be present during the church service.
Nursery volunteers assist the paid nursery attendant in caring for our youngest members from infancy until approximately age 6. Parents and other adults assist on a scheduled basis every Sunday during the 10:30 a.m. service.
Please note: All nursery staff and volunteers must complete Safeguarding God’s Children (SGC), an in-depth educational and training program for preventing and responding to child sexual abuse in everyday life and in ministry. This program was created by the Church Pension Group in association with Praesidium, Inc. in response to General Convention Resolution B008, Protection of Children and Youth from Abuse, which mandates training in sexual abuse prevention. For information on how to take the online course, please contact Tammy in the parish office.
St. Paul’s believes that everyone needs a loving touch and to be heard. To address this basic understanding, a Pastoral Care Team was created. This team is in contact with all parishioners on a regular basis just to check in and then, if called for, to identify any unmet needs and help where we can.
Readers lead the congregation in the Old Testament and New Testament lessons and the Prayers of the People during the Sunday services. Both youth and adults in the parish may serve in this capacity.
A long-held tradition of St. Paul’s, the Quilting Guild meets to support each other and to pass along new quilting skills. St. Paul’s Stitchers make quilts for parishioners when they need to wrap themselves in a tangible expression of God’s and our love.
St. Paul’s supports the following ministries in our community.
Al-Anon is a mutual support group for those whose lives have been affected by another person’s drinking. Learn more about Al-Anon here.
Al-Anon meets every Monday and Thursday at 6:oo p.m. at our church.
The Good Samaritan Center serves those in need of Wayne County with food supplies in order for them to have a home cooked meal. The Good Samaritan Center also offers assistance with past due utility bills. The Good Samaritan Center is located at 395 SW Broad Street, Jesup. Its hours of operation are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
For more information, please contact The Good Samaritan Center at (912) 427-9515.
Tabitha’s Place is a non-profit food kitchen that serves over 45,000 plates annually. Meals are prepared, plated, handed out, and delivered to anyone in the Jesup area that is in need of a meal.
We collect donations for Tabitha’s Place. Check the newsletter or bulletin to learn what nonperishable food items we are currently collecting. You can also support this ministry with a monetary donation.
Tabitha’s Place is located at 247 South 2nd Street Jesup, GA 31545.
For more information, call Janice Phillips at (912) 256-2113 or visit their Facebook page.